month in review: september

What a busy month it has been, but it has been so full of many wonderful things! As I wrote about before, I started my first year of my PhD program this month. While it was overwhelming to begin with and some of my other priorities slipped in keeping up with all the work, I think I am finally back into the swing of things and feeling more balanced.


I finally got all my books arranged for the semester – a necessity for me feeling organized and on top of things.


I also caught up with an old friend for brunch and she introduced me to this adorable place in Soho.

I finished my September book choice: Harry Potter and the Cursed Child. To be honest, I was disappointed by it. I had a hard time getting into the story and relating to the new characters. That being said, from reading the stage direction it seems like it could be a fantastic production. Now if only I could get my hands on some tickets to see it…

While I did a pretty good job sticking to my health goals this month, I am excited to add some more to work on in October. I have successfully gotten to the 5th week of my running training program which means I am up to running 20/30 minutes (a total of 2 miles)! This is a huge accomplishment for me, especially at a 6.0 speed. I can’t wait until I hit 3 miles.

I also made an effort to do some more cooking, but I definitely had a few indulgences over the past few weeks.

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The biggest highlight of this month, however, was checking a big thing off my bucketlist: taking a Hudson river cruise. My boyfriend and I opted to do one at sunset to celebrate our 2-year anniversary and I could not recommend it enough. If you are ever in NYC add this to the top of your to-do list.

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